Damian Lemański
aka Damian Wolf Wagabunda
Born in 1985, he is a Polish photographer based in Warsaw. The focus of his photography is on man and his place in the modern world. Often takes up subjects that do not attract media attention, but are particularly consistent with his sensitivity and tender view of the world. The everyday life of small communities is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for him. Through photographs, Lemański looks at the moral condition of people, by which he means above all the treatment of each other and responsibility for the community and the world.
In 2008 Damian finished the European Academy of Photography in Warsaw - a school of Izabela Jaroszewska PhD. He has participated in photography workshops in Poland, Hungary and USA.
Direct contact:
Email: lemanski.damian@gmail.com
+48 515 181 277 (Whatsapp)